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It was a very vibrant time. There were many potters coming along, the Harrow Studio Pottery course was producing potters; art schools were producing potters... and there wasn’t really a ceramic magazine. So it needed some vehicle for communication to which people could contribute and respond.
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Emmanuel Cooper and Eileen Lewenstein in the Ceramic Review office. 1970s

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Typing the first edition on a manual typewriter - 1970

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The first issue of Ceramic Review - February 1970

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The 100th edition of Ceramic Review - August 1986

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Emmanuel Cooper on the cover to mark his retirement after 40 years as

editor - September 2010

Emmanuel on the cover to mark his retirement after 40 years as editor - September 2010

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Emmanuel Cooper and Eileen Lewenstein on cover of 300th edition of Ceramic Review - November 2019

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Directory of CPA members edited by Emmanuel Cooper & Eileen Lewenstein. 1972. Another 12 editions between 1974 - 2008

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Edited by Emmanuel Cooper and Eileen Lewenstein. 1977. Another four editions between 1978 – 2001

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Edited by Robert Fournier. 1990

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Emmanuel Cooper edited revised second edition in 2006. 


Julia Pitts – Deputy Editor of Ceramic Review from 1997 when  Emmanuel Cooper became sole  editor.


Ceramic Review Office

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Emmanuel Cooper in the Ceramic Review office receiving the Ceramic Arts Foundation International Award in 2001.

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